(Click HERE for full view)
Nov 21, 2011
Queen Gohma
New portfolio piece. An illustration of Queen Gohma, the first boss from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This will most likely be a series! Blogger doesn't allow full viewing of the steps , so click the link above it!
Nov 7, 2011
Some sketchbook work, all from life! The page with the signature is James Gurney's. I drew a sketch of him during one of his demos and had him sign it!
Nov 2, 2011
Some stuffff
Here are some film studies and a self portrait!! Workin on some freelance stuff and some personal work that I'll try to post soon!
Oct 26, 2011
Oct 6, 2011
Oct 2, 2011
Sep 11, 2011
Sep 8, 2011
Aug 9, 2011
Aug 8, 2011
Aug 7, 2011
Aug 1, 2011
Just managed to finish up this illustration in time for the deadline to submit to the rising stars competition at imagineFX! It's another image inspired by the Mistborn book series, and probably my last as I've almost finished the books.
Jul 23, 2011
Hey everyone! Here's another design from the Mistborn book series. One of the big monsters, called koloss. Lots of fun, worked on this for a while. Steps are there too :) Trying to build up some illustrations to send over to wizards of the coast, so I'm really pushing myself on these.
Jul 15, 2011
Mistborn Tutorial

Just wrote up a step by step on how I created the image above. It's an older work, but I know a lot of people really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd share the process. Full view the second image for the tutorial. :)
Edit: Fixed the tutorial image, should all be fully visible now :)
Jul 3, 2011
Jun 29, 2011
Still life study

Here's a study done in low natural lighting, after I finished my morning tea :). I tried to pickup details I usually leave out in studies like this.
Jun 27, 2011
Jun 19, 2011
Jun 12, 2011
Jun 9, 2011
Jun 4, 2011
Birds of Prey
Took some reference of birds of prey from a wildlife conservatory and did paintings based on them. Great Horned Owl and Red Shouldered Hawk.

May 27, 2011
Definitely in need of a serious update soon. Here's a quick still life I did from a random spot in my basement

Apr 27, 2011
Apr 23, 2011
Apr 18, 2011
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